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When it comes to the Environmental sustainability, the Unimarine Group is proud to say that we were the first company in our field who introduced to the market the Replacement of Solvent products with water based strong cleaners.
This achievement started in 1993 and continues until today with even stronger efforts to Protect our world Eco systems and our society and finally our employees and business partners, users of our products.
Our Marine and Offshore industry is IMO driven industry, and the environment is the number One priority. As a result of this, our Marine chemicals should follow the IMO regulations to be a serious supplier in the field.
Our raw materials are produced by major chemical companies like BASF, Dupont, Dow who have a commitment to achieve best environmental goals.
Unimarine protects our environment and our clients- users by different ways where some of them are mentioned below.
Design safer Chemicals and product.
Prevent waste.
Design less dangerous synthesis – formulas.
Use renewable Feed stocks.
Use Safer Solvents.
Minimize potential accidents.